Sunday 22 September 2013

One for the boys…

It seems needle felting is rather girlish, with its soft look and fuzzy feel... 

Hence, I decided to try out some character dolls that will appeal to boys too, using the boys in my household as a yardstick. The 'in' thing for my boy has been Minecraft game. For his birthday in April this year, he requested for a Minecraft cake - a challenge to source as the commercialised bakeries here have yet to sell birthday cakes with Minecraft design. I pondered on how I could dissuade him but he was already suggesting that I could bake one for him on my own. Not wanting to disappoint a zealous little boy, we cracked our brains together as he showed me the world of Minecraft on his iPad game. It turned out to be a fun bonding activity conceptualising the design of the cake and we eventually came up with one for his birthday party :-) Naturally the first 'boy' toys that floated into my mind were Minecraft characters, so I started poking Steve, Creeper and a block of dirt.

A couple of months ago, there was a fad over Minions after screening of Despicable Me II. The long queues for Happy Meals packed with Minion toys at McDonalds were evidence of Singaporeans' zany nature of queueing for anything that tugs their hearts, ranging from trivial toys, acclaimed foods to exorbitantly priced properties. While Minions are cute, I cannot comprehend the craze over it. However, the 'big boy' at home actually feels tickled by Minions and subtly nudged me to poke a Minion, so here goes!

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