Wednesday 18 September 2013

Doll Fetish

I grow up loving dolls and I still love dolls - don't get me wrong, not the erotic manner! Needle felting is my answer to the dolls I never had as a child. I remembered how I ogled at Martyoshka dolls I saw in pictures, depicting captivating and decreasing sized Russian Dolls nested within one another. My first gift of Martyoshkas was from a cousin who went to Russia on a business trip in the late 90s; I kept it dear to my heart, partly I love Martyoshkas but mainly because it is the only memento I had of my beloved cousin.

The vibrancy of the felt wools I acquired in Osaka inspired me to experiment with colors and the first idea that popped into my mind was Martyoshkas. Japanese kimono dolls are equally fascinating but Russian dolls prevailed as it features amusingly varying sizes.

I had needle felted several character dolls but now I am poking my own versions of dolls, here's a peep on the work in progress...

1 comment:

  1. aiyo the 2nd photo reminds me of voodoo lah! no good! :)
