Wednesday 11 September 2013


I like the name artist, thus I will name myself as a Felt Artist :-) My journey to needle felting had been fuzzy, taking on the homonymous 'fuzzy' feel of the felts which I love.

I was first acquainted with a needle felt artwork in Oct 2009 in Taipei, musing over the beauty and intrigued when the lady said she made it herself. It was only in Jul 2011 that I chanced upon the craft again and started to google, thus learnt the craft. However, it started rickety as I had neither the time nor sufficient materials to explore further.

In Dec 2012, I was on a family vacation trip to Osaka but charged with a mission to source for the pretty felt wools. I managed to do so and brought back a hoard of wools and Japanese books on needle felting.

Again, time being a luxury not at my dispense, I experimented with needle felting on few occasions. It was only when my ailing Jack Russell, Rusty was degenerating in health - my heart ached everytime he sat lying next to me, knowing that his days with us were numbered - there on 18 July 2013, he inspired me to make a miniature of him so as to immortalize him and I frantically went about poking a mini Rusty. I was impressed with my own artwork, as it really resembled him ;p Then it dawned on me that needle felting is therapeutic and allows one to create almost anything.

Thus my journey as a felt artist began...

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