Monday 17 March 2014


While I professed to be a cat and dog lover, I would have never thought I'll have a Chihuahua in my household, as the minuscule breed is the last to uphold the characteristics of dogs that appeal to me - charisma, security, 'huggability', rowdy play, gracefulness, etc. However, when I first saw this puny shivering ball of 3 brown spots on its body of white coat, it warmed my heart as it reminded me of our late Jack Russell Terrier, Rusty whom departed last August. Something stirred within me, I cannot pinpoint. As I watched the tiny 800g trembling within its enclosure, I had the desire to comfort and care for it. In the snap of minutes,  in crept the various reasons to justify why we should have this Chihuahua in our household: a companion for Coco that will not create chaos in the house, a dog for my girl whom she is able to manage by herself, a dog for my boy to instil in him 'responsibilities', a creature for me to care for like a baby since the factory for human babies is officially closed...

Since it's technically the kids' dog, they named it Cookie, despite a protest from my brother that it should be named Yoda due to the sheer resemblence between the two in his opinion. Thus Cookie's other nickname is Baby Yoda. It's been a month since Cookie came along and it finally had its last dose of vaccination. Even the vet who examined it was tickled that Cookie is such a teeny Chihuahua. After consultation, the vet actually came out and requested a picture of Cookie ;p 

Cookie (keeping fingers crossed!) has yet to exhibit the typical yelpiness of a Chihuahua, she barely barked more than twice in her stay with us, and both times merited with good reason. We've brought her out a couple of times in a doggie bag; she would be trembling initially till she settled comfortably in her bed within the bag, without making a wee bit of noise while we carried her about. Hopefully Cookie will be a great companion to my girl in her growing up years :-)

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