Saturday 12 October 2013

Sights of the World

In the older days, travel advertisements in newspapers would feature famous structures - the Statue of Liberty, the Pyramids, Eiffel Tower, Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Great Wall and endless others to arouse interest. As a child whose holiday ventures were limited within Malaysia Peninsula, I dreamt of visiting these places. After graduation from University, I literally  worked towards the dreams as an air crew. What better way to travel the world other than flying around the world while at work? 

Upon touchdown, I would be out and about as soon as I had freshened up in my hotel room. Nothing would hold back an earnest heart eager to experience the sights and sounds of new foreign places; even after a tiresome night flight of 13 hours, hitting a new timezone in the morning and staying awake for another 12 hours, meaning I would be awake for 36 hours, with 2-3 hours of catnap on flight while on duty.

Those flying days were economic ways to fly for a new grad - I had the opportunity to visit numerous capitals and cities, fulfilling my initial dreams. The passage of time has not dimmed my fascination with the world. The usual popular sights were ticked off my bucket list, what's left now are the roads less travelled spots that are further away from major cities, the more remote, the more adventurous :-)

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