Friday 25 October 2013

Rusty, our Jack Russell

A recent passing of a friend's cat, Dusty has ignited memories of my beloved pets who departed in my life. It is always heart wrenching whenever a pet companion leaves us :-( I have been through numerous heartaches - both mine, close friends' or family members' endearing pets. Many pet owners have gone through similar grief. After the passing of 4 of my own with 3 suffering from various forms of cancer and lengthy periods of medications and treatments, I thought I would have toughened up....

Thus when Rusty, our feisty Jack Russell at age 15 was degenerating in health due to old age - weakening heart which inevitably led to other organ failures, I had braved myself for the day when Rusty would eventually leave us. Rusty was on daily medications to boost his heart, lungs, stomach and kidneys. The prognosis for each check up was the same - the vet would affirm that his state had weakened further and his days would be numbered. Each visit served to prepare myself mentally... Despite a weak heart and overburdened lungs, Rusty appeared alert for an old ailing dog, still eager for food and treats; his fighting spirit was admirable.

There was once Rusty coughed laboriously and breathed abnormally fast, without delay I brought him to the vet. The vet advised him to be put on oxygen treatment as well as drawing out excess fluids from his body; however, the vet could not assure that he would survive even this treatment alone. Upon hearing it, my heart sank and I couldn't help tearing up. Then I knew that no matter how prepared I was mentally, I would never be prepared emotionally.

Thankfully Rusty survived the treatment and was home with us for another 2 good months. Then came the day that his body could not take it, he refused to eat nor drink and I knew it would be time (my eyes welled up with tears as I penned this part). He departed the next night, during the wee hours peacefully.

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