Monday 19 May 2014

Learning Journey of Needle Felting

As I experiment and poke more, I discover subtle techniques of needle felting that will improve an artwork. It may seem common sense to be poking this way or that way, but it takes experience to uncover the 'ahhs' of techniques. I started learning the basics by reading a few needle felting books initially, but as I poke more, I tend to poke by intuition. I wonder if I should document these trivial revelations along the way which may be helpful as instruction in event that I forget what I had done before...

I am more of a self- taught needle felt artist with my haphazard way of experimentation. My passion for needle felting grows by the day, with each creation poked. Having said that, the desire to poke is very much dependent on what inspires me at the moment in time, pretty random. 

The challenge arises when friends start to request for commissioned works, which means they dictate the theme of the art piece. At first, I have doubts as I am very much a person who crafts based on inspiration. The first job was themed hot air balloons; I researched on pictures of hot air balloons and started to work on it. In the process, I began to discover joy as I get acquainted with the pictures and tried as best as possible to make the creation real yet captivating to the customer, in this case a 3 month old infant - cutesie Baby Gene! The baby mobile turned out pretty and useful :-)

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