Monday 11 November 2013

Dogs Dogs Dogs

My love affair with dogs began with our 1st dog - Rusty the Jack Russell Terrier...

Caring for a dog is a lifetime responsibility. Prior to dogs, I have had cats which were half a world apart from dogs. Cats are very independent whereas dogs require loads of attention, affection and time. While providing for Rusty, I read more about dogs and over time learnt the characteristics of JRTs and various other breeds. As I get acquainted with dogs, I began to grow a love towards them, though I have a preference over large breeds, short coat or goofy dogs ;p however, I like many other breeds not falling into these categories. 

The saying goes " Dogs love you more than they love themselves" - undoubtedly true! Regardless of breeds, all dogs make wonderful companions. As long as you accord it time, patience and love, dogs will learn to behave obediently. Similarly, any dog that has been previously traumatised will certainly outgrow its insecurities and be normalised. All that is required is a chance for them to adapt to their new environment.

Here's to all the lovely dogs!

Saturday 9 November 2013

My girl's masterpieces

Both my kids are fans of mommy's needlefelt craft works but my girl, being more artistically inclined, took up the craft this year as I started to poke more. She is 9 going 10, about the right age to handle a sharp needle. I taught her simple shapes such as spheres, cubes and other basic techniques. Along the way she practiced and poked items that she fancies. However, she gets carried away when she does art, thus I have to lay down strict instructions that she can only indulge in craftwork during school vacation days, whereas mommy will be poking away while eyeing them to complete their tasks at home during school terms ;p

All local kids and parents love year end school vacations as it spells the end of mugging for students & nagging for parents! It's a season to relax and revel in our favourite activities. Needless to say, my girl started poking after her examinations and here's what she came up with :-)

Chi!!! The cutesie cat character in a Japanese comics that she loves. Pretty good job done for a 9-year old!!!

Thursday 7 November 2013


Besides the movie Superman, the other film that left an indelible mark in my childhood memory is E.T. It was screened during my pre-teen years when I was hardly proficient in English, but I was still able to catch the gist of the story and was moved by the touching scenes - evidence of a great production capturing viewers' hearts. Perhaps it was also the fact that the creature E.T. was an ugly but adorable (aka cute) and innocent alien that impressed on me. Its doleful blue eyes, big head atop a long neck, long arms and creasy hide is unforgettable. Decades have passed and E.T. remains in my heart a heartwarming alien :-)