Saturday 4 July 2015

Disney Princess

Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs is a classic cartoon movie that etched deep in my memory - my generation of girls grew up with fairy tale stories and naively held dear the notion that One Day our own Prince Charming will come sweeping us off the ground and we will live Happily Ever After... But truth be told, life doesn't stay the same ever after, it's full of challenges, entailing happy rides and less happy bumps. Most of us learn the hard way as life experience throws us out of our dreamy yearnings.

I'm not alleging that Disney Princess fairy tales are lame. Many of the princesses went through hardships before attaining their 'Happily Ever After' - Snow White, Cinderella, Rapunzel, Beauty & the Beast, etc. The fallacy is the concept of 'Happily Ever After'. Nothing stays the same in reality, everything is constantly changing or evolving. Life is a haphazard collision of factors within and beyond our control. What's imperative is the attitude towards life challenges and maturing as a wiser, better learned self.

'Happily Ever After' in Disney tales feeds hopes in girls, but an over abundance of similar themes may lead to girls thinking their ultimate dream is to meet their Prince Charming and be happily in love after, only to be heartbroken when reality deals them otherwise. Dynamics in a relationship changes over time and it takes 2 persons more than just love to keep the relationship strong, enduring, healthy and happy. As to how, there are no hard and fast rules, each relationship is different with its unique trials and circumstances.

Thankfully Disney evolves with time. The recent Disney Princess themes do not revolve in a 'Happily Ever After' over a Prince Charming. There are other loves and themes in life that are accorded equal importance, if not more - love between parent and child, love between siblings, friendship love, etc. Even loving your own self! As with all things in life, everything in moderation and nothing excessive, lest it becomes narcissism or obsessive love. I applaud Frozen and Brave for its different themes, embracing sister love and courage to fight one's happiness. I particularly fancy Merida for her carefree spirit and being herself instead of crumbling to social expectations. To Merida!