Thursday 26 March 2015

Tribute to Mr Lee Kuan Yew

The passing of Mr Lee Kuan Yew has left a whirlwind of emotions in Singaporeans, as evident in the flood of tributes and comments all over Singapore and social media. Mostly were respectful manifestation of gratitude and awe in grieving, with a minute camp of 'slightly sad' whose opinion lingered a sliver of skepticism on LKY's legacy. Whatever ones' opinion, let this be a mourning week and leave the differences aside.

After 2 days of private wake at the Istana, Mr Lee Kuan Yew's body is lying in State in the Parliament House and members of public have been streaming endlessly to pay their respects. In fact, it is an incredibly long queue of 8 hours wait to enter the parliament building but it doesn't deter most people in queue, despite the hot and humid weather. Such a solidarity show of the Singaporean spirit is heartwarming. Even in the mournful state, the authorities displayed their trait of efficiency and reacted speedily to keep the Lying in State open 24 hours to the public, easing the queue time. Nonetheless, the waiting time in queue stands at 3 hours at 12 midnight... Hats off to my fellow countrymen!

As for myself, it has been a moving target from original plan of 4pm visit with family to 1am visit with hubs but alas, he has limited waking power, as I pen this, he has drifted into dreamland with no holds barred. We will play by ear over the next 3 days depending on queue situation to pay our last respects to the founding father of modern Singapore.

Singapore is where I am born and educated, where I work and raise my own family. Over the years, I feel more and more appreciative of Singapore - for its safety and security, cleanliness and greenness, efficiency and orderliness, compactness and convenience, etc etc - things that my generation has taken for granted. While there is imperfection (as with any place on earth), I have learnt to make the best out of the flaws and whine less. At the end of the day, I feel blessed to have been born and grow up in a progressive and just society, study and work in a meritocratic environment, raising my kids in a safe and  invigorating country. It seems cliché to attribute the progress of Singapore to Mr Lee Kuan Yew but had he not been the driving force, I cannot imagine how Singapore would have been carved out from 50 years back. Think what you wish, but all I want to do is give thanks to Mr Lee Kuan Yew for his vision, wisdom and energy, bringing Singapore to where it is now, including his team of cabinet groomed under his wings.

My Salute to you, Sir!